About us

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International Solidarity Work (Kansainvälinen solidaarisuustyö) is a left-wing development aid, communication and solidarity organization based in Finland. We campaign in solidarity with popular movements to promote self-determination, supporting causes like Western Sahara, the Uyghurs, and opposing the occupation of Palestine.

We aim to challenge the current model of development aid, advocate for a fair international economic system, and publish educational materials on global economic inequality, alongside organizing global education training.

International Solidarity Work was founded in 1985 to coordinate the solidarity work of the people’s democratic movement of Finland. Our members are the Left Alliance, the Left Youth, the Left Students, the Democratic Pioneers’ League (Pinskut) and Yleinen Lehtimiesliitto.

In the 1980s, international solidarity activities were carried out, for example, to support national liberation movements in developing countries, for example El Salvador and Nicaragua. Also notable was the “Väiski pump”: a campaign by retired driller Väiski, who travelled to Namibia to drill wells in villages with the support of the People’s Democratic Solidarity Movement.

In the 2000s International Solidarity Work has campaigned for the self-determination of Western Sahara, freedom of Uyghurs, against global economic inequality and the current global economic system. If you would like to propose co-operation, please reach out to us via the contact page.

Tue Kansainvälistä solidaarisuustyötä

Lahjoittamalla tuet Kansainvälisen solidaarisuustyön työtä oikeudenmukaisemman maailman eteen. Rahankeräyslupa RA/2022/1404.